Zookal Mock Objects for Magento

I've disabled and removed Mage_Adminhtml

You rock!

Did you remove every Adminhtml area via $ find . -iname "adminhtml" -type d -exec rm -Rf {} + ?

Running a backend-less version of Magento saves you processor time, space, speeds up your store and improves security. All missing required adminhtml files will be transparently mocked. Nothing to configure!

But how do I maintain a backend-less store?

You have two solutions:

  1. Install your backend on a different server (or different path with different domain) and share the same database with the frontend. Security Warning (1).
  2. Use on the command line the awesome tool n98-magerun (2).

(1) If having multiple servers: Make sure that you connect only via SSL encryption to your MySQL server. Someone is spying :-(``

(2) There is currently a feature missing in n98-magerun https://github.com/netz98/n98-magerun/issues/309 that you cannot configure Mage:run() to use a custom configuration model as explained below.