Zookal Mock Objects for Magento

Zookal Mock Objects for Magento

TL;DR: Transparent auto-detecting of disabled core modules and extensions and providing mock objects for

not breaking Magento. Nothing to configure. No class rewrites. Only one observer. Works out of the box.

If you try to disable e.g. Mage_Newsletter or Mage_Wishlist or ... and you call certain parts of the backend or some rare parts of the frontend you will get errors that Magento cannot find the class XYZ. Best examples are the two previously mentioned. If you have disabled them and you open in the backend a customer entry to edit it, the page will generate an error. Mage_Customer Edit has many dependencies with other modules. So the Zookal Mock Module will provide you mock objects which catches all method calls to disabled classes of that modules without breaking anything.

Continuous Integration

Scrutinizer Code Quality

Build Status


Cyrill Schumacher - My pgp public key

Made in Sydney, Australia :-)