Zookal Mock Objects for Magento

Google Checkout and Magento 1.9

Magento 1.9 does not have anymore a dependency to the Mage_GoogleCheckout module in the Mage_Sales module. This can lead to confused backend users because the payment select drop down can contain an empty entry.

Discussion in this pull request.

Add to your config.xml file:


and then create your own observer:

class Zookal_MyModule_Model_Observer

    public function mySpecialMethodObserver(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
        /** @var Zookal_Mock_Model_Observer $mock */
        $mock                     = $observer->getMock();
        $m                        = $mock->getSpecialMethods();
        $m['Mage_GoogleCheckout'] = [$this, 'mySpecialMethod'];

    public function mySpecialMethod($arg)
        // noop

This allows you to disable the special method for Google Checkout. Of course you can add now your own methods for any other module.